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Commissioning & Sustainability Services

Allen + Shariff is uniquely suited to provide commissioning and sustainability services. Our AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) certified commissioning authorities come from an engineering environment and background and are supported by a team of registered Professional Engineers and designers to ensure the facility design meets the Owner’s project requirements. This, coupled with our CxA’s comprehensive field experience, allows us to provide first rate CxA services to our clients by utilizing these resources to provide high quality design/design intent input, design reviews, value engineering analysis, submittal reviews, Cx specification preparation and system performance analysis and troubleshooting.

From a sustainability perspective, Allen + Shariff develops and implements energy conservation plans using a proven approach that maximizes efficiency and project payback while minimizing future operational costs and downtime. Members of our team have assisted clients in saving millions of dollars via energy consultation and design implementation. Our team’s action plans will be tailored to meet individual project and client efficiency, sustainability, and budget goals. Our sustainability goals include saving the planet and also providing savings for the owner. Not just being Green but also operating in the Green.
Building Systems with AI
Optimizing Building Systems
with AI
  • Commissioning
  • Sustainable Design
  • Benchmarking, Energy Modeling and M&V
  • Renewable Energy Integration
  • LEED/Estidama Administration and Energy Master Plans
  • Feasibility Studies and Facility Condition Assessments
  • Energy Auditing and Energy Retrofits
  • Energy Efficiency rebates & Tax Incentives Administration

WELL Building Standards

Launched in 2014 after six years of research, the WELL Building standard has been applied to 1,055 projects, covering 19million sqm. in 39 countries. While it is gaining global traction, it remains a relatively new concept locally. Presently, only two projects await WELL certification. One of these two projects is one that Allen + Shariff was a part of: the Hord Coplan Macht (HCM) Baltimore offices, which consciously integrated WELL Principles into their design and building process.

Given Allen + Shariff's extensive history of sustainable building practices, green initiatives, and LEED certification, embracing the WELL Building concept is a natural progression. Allen + Shariff is committed to continually advancing our business and remaining true to our company values, consistently among the first to embrace the most advanced sustainable building trends.

The WELL Building standards (IWBI) is a performance-based standard from the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) that measures, certifies, and monitors features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing. Viewing buildings as health intervention tools, the IWBI has identified seven core health concepts for WELL that impact the health of building occupants - air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind.
Quality Standards including filtration, cleaning protocols, microbe control, material safety
Testing and monitoring to control public water additives and system contaminants
Promotion of healthy food options, nutrition labeling, safe food preparation and sourcing
Glare free and circadian lighting design, effects of surfaces & contrast, lighting quality, daylighting
Active design, enhanced orgonomics, activity incentives, and structured fitness programs
Physical and virtual orgonomics, thermal, olfactory, and acoustic comfort
Organizational policies and transparency biophilic design, flexible and adaptive spaces
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